Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I have a hard time, a extremely weird and difficult customer visit my work place. The story is, he eating outside food at KFC somemore from Subway which is not halal. But that not the problem. The problem is our work protocol prohibited outside foods and drinks. I approached him and tell him, "Sorry sir, outside food is not allowed. Sorry for your inconvenience and I hope you understand." He then argued with me in the top of his voice in front of other customer he say, "I buy KFC food there why he can't eat Subway food that I bring?!" I tried to calm down and said to him just ignore what I have said. For few minutes when I saw him already calm down. I told my RGM to talk to him after that I don't know and I don't want to know it up to my manager to settle.

Today is the best day, not many crowd and enjoying life. But I have no time to go outing with my ex colleague as well as to spend time with my closest friend Syahrein.

Love Magician

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Celebration and festivals in the month of August

When I first start fasting it was also the month chinese people celebrate hungry ghost festival. After a few days, a day that every Singaporean come. That is National Day and soon in there not only Malay but all Muslim will celebrate Hari Raya Puasa or Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I love the time when I'm kid because I can get green packet but now is my turn to give all the kids a green packets.

Love Magician

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My first day working at KFC

Today is my first day started working at KFC. Wah liao I reach my working place a bit late. At first I was feeling scared of getting scolded by my manager but then when I had arrived it was okay and the manager give me a warm welcome to me. Then got this guy named Jin Chai teach me how to do work at the lobby. He show me how to wipe the tray and table use different type of colour cloth. He taught me clear the rubbish, send the orders to the customer and wash the trays. He quite friendly as I get along with him very well and fast too.. When I had finished work. Then get to know another guy named Aloycios and two others girl named Miki & Shu Ling who were working at the counter and the base. They going to the ABC after work and ask me to tag along. When I walk half way out, got this weird lady calling my name. Actually she is my mother. Both my parents secretly come to do a spot check on me at my workplace. So I when home with both of my parents.

Love Magician

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The day at the zoo

First I came to the zoo I saw Shu Hui, Run Bin, Mr. Yoong, and Zhide. It was a hilarious day today coz I was my last day meeting them and having fun with my ex colleague. I will be working either at Achor Point KFC or Bukit Merah Central KFC. So while waiting I enjoy life with them. Back to the story. Zhide and Shu Hui took photo of me riding a statue of a cow, it was funny I climb on it and move my arm in circle like cowboy, yee hah! Then we go to watch the sea lion show at Splash Safari. We also play a treasure hunt game that Run Bin organise. Then we go to have some lunch at Ah Meng Restaurant. I ate a roasted chicken rice and have a lemon tea drink. Then we go to see the animal show of Safari Comeback. After that we explore the whole zoo and see a lot of animal. Then we go to see the elephant show. Lastly, we go to see a white tiger. In the end we all ate at KFC, then go straight back home and rest...

Love Magician

Friday, April 8, 2011

Waiting for Job

I'm now waiting for JobClub to find me job. I wish my future job is just a walking distant away from my house. I really want to save money for transport fare. I really hope I get to work at KFC at Jurong Point near my house.

Love Magician

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Accused to be arrogant

This guy is my primary schoolmate I really can't remember him because when I was primary six, he was just primary one kid. How am I suppose to know him. He knows my full name very well whereas I don't really know him even his name. Last week I bump into him. Then he says "I was your junior at primary school". I like huh, what the hell beneath the heaven he try to talk about. At that time I was only mix around with same level and stream as me. I just says "I'm sorry I don't even know you" and walk away. When I walk half way he shouted, "How come you didn't recognized me, you arrogant guy! You are so WORLD (too much or overacting like superstar in Malay)"

Am I so arrogant to you all guys? Did you all find me arrogant?

Love Magician

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hi I'm back...

Thought that I'm going back tomorrow but there were no ticket coz the ticket had finished so I'm back today. Reach HarbourFront @ 8.30pm. Then wait for taxi for so long.... About two hours we wait for taxi. Then we go back straight home. I signing off now...

Love Magician

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Frequently Asked Job Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself?
I'm soft spoken but friendly and helpful. Eg. I like to train people the stuff that they don't know how to do.

Describe your working experience?
I had work with Salvation Army as Retail Assistant and at IMH Library as Assistant Librarian. The experience working at both workplace is to serve our client.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strength are, I'm hard working, patient, helpful and willing to learn.
My weaknesses are, sometimes I'm very moody without any reason. Slow but will work longer hours to accomplish task and trying hard to pay more attention.

How do you deal with conflict or criticism?
I will be patient try to settle the conflict as fast as possible. Always take criticism as a feedback to improve my skill & knowledge and always have a positive mindset.

What do you know about our company and why do you want to work here?
Your company always do some charity work and helping needy people. I want to work here so that I can contribute more to this company.

What are you looking for in a job?
To use all my skill and applied it to this job.

What are your salary requirements?
You can pay me that equivalent to my job skill and experience.

Do you have any questions?
When can I start work?

Love Magician

Sunday, January 9, 2011

' Clear Acne' Spell

Clear up your acne. Like most other spells, It works best over time.

Items you will need

* voice
* face soap

Casting Instructions for ' Clear Acne'

While you're washing your face, chant:
Let the object of objection become but a dream,
As I cause the seen to be unseen.

Works very well, but must be used when washing your face, and just prevents more from popping up.

Love Magician

Monday, January 3, 2011

Interview Question

* What do you know about our company?
* Why do you apply for this job?
* Why did you leave your last job?
* Why would you like to work in our company?
* Can you tell me more about yourself?
* Why do you think we should hire you?
* What could you contribute for this company?
* How would you contribute to this company?
* What are your strengths?
* What are your weaknesses?

Love Magician