Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My first day working at KFC

Today is my first day started working at KFC. Wah liao I reach my working place a bit late. At first I was feeling scared of getting scolded by my manager but then when I had arrived it was okay and the manager give me a warm welcome to me. Then got this guy named Jin Chai teach me how to do work at the lobby. He show me how to wipe the tray and table use different type of colour cloth. He taught me clear the rubbish, send the orders to the customer and wash the trays. He quite friendly as I get along with him very well and fast too.. When I had finished work. Then get to know another guy named Aloycios and two others girl named Miki & Shu Ling who were working at the counter and the base. They going to the ABC after work and ask me to tag along. When I walk half way out, got this weird lady calling my name. Actually she is my mother. Both my parents secretly come to do a spot check on me at my workplace. So I when home with both of my parents.

Love Magician