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Love Magician

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Witch Sign/Fairy Horoscope

Pegasus (3rd Jan-22nd Jan) Centaur (23rd Jan- 15th Feb) Dryad (16th Feb- 10th Mar) Phoenix (11th March-2nd April) Griffin (3rd April – 24th April) Satyr (25th Apr-18th May) Elf (19th May-10th Jun) Chimera (11th Jun-2nd Jul) Hippogriff (3rd Jul- 25th Jul) Mermaid (26th Jul- 18th Aug) Unicorn (19th Aug- 10th Sep) Nereid (11th Sep- 2nd Oct) Elemental (3rd Oct- 25th Oct) Salamander (26th Oct- 18th Nov) Dragon (19th Nov-10th Dec) Triton (11th Dec-2nd Jan) Love Magician

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My QR code

Love Magician

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tips Melicinkan Kulit Muka

Tips Melicinkan Kulit Muka 1. Ambil tepung pulut can campurkan sedikit air. Sebelum tidur, sapukan di bahagian muka anda dan apabila bangun pada keesokkan harinya, cuci muka anda dengan air suam. Amalkan dua kali seminggu. 2. Gosokkan serbuk teh yang telah digunakan ke kulit muka anda. Biarkan selama tiga hingga lima minit sebelum dicuci sengan air suam. Amalkan selalu bagi menampakkan kesan yang ketara. 3. Kisar dua biji buah tomato bersama sedikit gula dan air. Tapiskan dan minum airnya di setiap pagi. Lakukan sekerap yang mungkin agar kulit muka anda bertambah licin. 4. Ambil wap air nasi atau buih atau yang sedang ditanak. Sapukan pada muka anda dan biarkan selama 30 minit. Lakukan setiap hari dan anda boleh lihat hasilnya. 5. Ambil seikit beras dan rendam selama dua hari. Kupas sengkuang dan kisar bersama kunyit serta beras yang telah direndam tadi. Sapukan pada kulit muka anda setiap hari dan lihat hasilnya. Love Magician aka Penyihir Cinta

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Witch Sign/Fairy Horoscope

(3rd Jan-22nd Jan)

(23rd Jan- 15th Feb)

(16th Feb- 10th Mar)

(11th March-2nd April)

(3rd April – 24th April)

(25th Apr-18th May)

(19th May-10th Jun)

(11th Jun-2nd Jul)

(3rd Jul- 25th Jul)

(26th Jul- 18th Aug)

(19th Aug- 10th Sep)

(11th Sep- 2nd Oct)

(3rd Oct- 25th Oct)

(26th Oct- 18th Nov)

(19th Nov-10th Dec)

(11th Dec-2nd Jan)

Love Magician

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The 10-Minute Perfect Morning Workout

This 10-minute morning workout will kick-start your day and benefit you in more ways than you can imagine. By Jacqueline Chia.

10 minutes benefits

Do you wake up in the morning, bleary eyed and tired? Do you sleep on the train or bus to work? Do you have headaches, or neck and shoulder pains? If so, you may be a perfect candidate for this 10-minute workout – a short routine with long-range benefits.
Power-packed workout

Specially designed by Senior Physiotherapist, Mr Darek Lam, and Sports Trainer, Ms Sharon Khoo, from Changi Sports Medicine Centre (CSMC), it is meant for office workers aged 35 and below. But with a few modifications, anyone can do it.

The power-packed routine includes the stretching, cardio, flexibility, muscle-toning and strength-building exercises of a regular workout. One exercise – the Pectoral Stretch where you pull your shoulders back and stretch your chest muscles – relieves tension caused by poor sitting posture, and encourages you to sit up straight while doing computer work.

The workout begins with one minute of light skipping or jumping jacks, a cardio exercise that gets the heart rate up. This can be done slowly at first to warm up, but building speed towards the end of the minute. It is followed by two minutes of stretching to build flexibility in the limbs, and then a series of muscle-toning and strength building exercises before finishing off with cool-down stretches.
Doing the wake-up workout

With Ms Sharon Khoo, Sports Trainer, Changi Sports Medicine Centre.

There are eight exercises in all. Seniors can replace jumping jacks with brisk walking or marching and modify some of the other exercises depending on their endurance levels.

Start warming up in bed with deep breathing exercises and trunk twists. Inhale deeply and expand your lungs as much as you can. Exhale slowly and repeat. For trunk twists, turn your hips and left leg to the right while pulling your upper body back towards the left. You should feel the stretch around the core muscles. Repeat on the other side. You can have a light snack like a glass of juice or a slice of toast before the workout, but if you have a heavy breakfast, wait two hours before exercising.

If you have a preexisting medical condition, please check with your doctor before starting these exercises.
1. Jumping jacks (for warm-up and cardio)

* Stand with two legs together and your arms by your side.
* Jump, spreading your legs and arms.
* Do for one minute, warming up slowly, before building up speed to get your heart rate up.

For seniors: Brisk walking or marching on the spot

* Walk or march briskly on the spot for one minute instead of doing jumping jacks.

2. Pectoral stretch (to improve posture)

* Sit upright in a comfortable chair and lift both hands up as if you are surrendering. Then bring your elbows back as much as you can and feel the stretch in the pectoral muscles in your chest.
* Do two and hold each for 20 seconds.

3. Quadricep stretch (for flexibility)

* Hold on to something stable such as a sturdy chair.
* Stand on one leg and hold the other leg up with your hand. You should feel a gentle stretch at the front of your thigh. Try to bring your heel up to your buttocks.
* Stretch each leg twice and hold each stretch for 20 seconds.

4. Hamstring stretch (for flexibility)

* Sit at the edge of a chair.
* Stretch one leg and bend your body forwards from the hips, but keep your back straight. You should feel a gentle stretch at the back of your thigh.
* Stretch each leg twice and hold each stretch for 20 seconds.

5. Wall squats (for strengthening muscles in the thigh and buttocks)

* Lean against the wall with your feet pointing forwards and shoulders straight, touching the wall.
* Slide down the wall till your thighs are parallel to the floor.
* Keep your back against the wall and ensure your knees are not past your toes when you lower your body.
* Revert to the starting position.
* Do three sets of 10.

For seniors: Just do the first two steps.
6. Calf raises (for strengthening calf muscles)

* Start by holding onto something stable such as the back of a sturdy chair. With your feet pointing forwards, keep your knees straight and raise your heels off the floor.
* Lower your heels and repeat.
* Start with three sets of 10, then work your way to 15.

7. Shoulder retraction (for strengthening shoulder blade muscles)

* Push your arms against your body while you tighten and move your shoulder blades inwards. Then relax your shoulders and arms.
* Do two sets of 20.

8. Front planks (for strengthening trunk muscles)

* Lying flat, face downwards on a mat, lift your body up using your toes and elbows. Keep your body as straight as possible.
* Hold for 20 seconds and return to the original position.
* Do one to three times.

For seniors: If you cannot hold this position, try an easier version by doing it on an incline.

* For example, prop your arms on a sofa and raise yourself up from the knees, not toes. Otherwise, eliminate this exercise from your workout altogether.

Love Magician

7 Double-Duty Beauty Foods

These nutritious foods are a recipe for great hair and skin, naturally!

Eat Them or Apply Them

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but it's also lurking in the grocery aisle. Put these supermarket superstars at the top of your shopping list and use our innovative tricks to sneak more of them into your diet—and your natural beauty routine.

Beauty-Food Safety: Before using foods or beverages on skin or hair, do a patch test: Prepare the item as suggested, swab a bit on the inside of your wrist, then wait 48 hours to see if you develop a reaction. If not, proceed.

1. Avocado

Eat It!
Consider avocado the overachiever of beauty superfoods: It's rich in protective antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which help keep skin plump and smooth, says New York City dietitian Shari Bilt Boockvar, RD. Eating the fruit can also help replenish the protective layer of fatty acids that surrounds skin cells, keeping moisture in and preventing dehydration, according to Jessica Wu, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California Medical School and author of Feed Your Face. Get your avocado fix by using it in place of mayo on a sandwich, or whip half an avocado and add it to your smoothie or salad dressing recipes.

Apply It!
"An avocado face mask may help slow skin's aging process," says nutritionist Lisa Drayer, RD, who points to a 2006 study published in Phytotherapy Research that found that applying avocado oil to skin can stimulate collagen and elastin production. Make an anti-aging moisturizing mask by pureeing a ripe avocado and mixing it with 1/4 cup sour cream, which has lactic acid to help exfoliate dead skin cells. Spread over your face and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing with water.

2. Tea

Drink It!
All teas boast skin-boosting antioxidants, but green and white varieties are especially good because they have double the antioxidants of black tea as well as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a type of antioxidant that "protects skin from damage caused by exposure to sun and pollutants," says Dr. Wu. Sip up--but cook with the brew too; it makes a great poaching liquid for chicken or fish.

Apply It!
Tea is a natural hair-color booster that can function as a rinse to bring out highlights in dyed or undyed hair, says Jet Rhys, owner of the Jet Rhys Salons in San Diego. Chamomile revitalizes golden highlights in blonde hair, black tea perks up brunettes, and berry or red teas add oomph to auburn or red hair. Prepare 8 ounces, let it cool, then saturate your strands with the solution. Put on a shower cap and wait for 15 to 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

3. Almonds

Eat Them!
Going gray? According to Dr. Wu, almonds contain high levels of catalase, an enzyme that may help slow the graying process by preventing a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in follicles that can cause hair to turn gray. Almonds aren't just a snack, though: Pulverize them in a food processor and add to waffle batter, or use as a crunchy coating for chicken.

Apply Them!
Go nuts for this exfoliating body scrub recipe from Kym Douglas, the author of The Beauty Cookbook: Grind 1/4 cup almonds in a food processor until superfine, then mix in 2 tablespoons organic virgin coconut oil to make a paste. In the shower, rub the skin-softening mixture over rough areas, such as knees and elbows, and then rinse with water.

4. Cocoa

Eat it!
"Cocoa has a high concentration of flavanols, plant compounds with antioxidant properties that help protect skin from sun damage," says Dr. Wu. Add a tablespoon of 70% cocoa powder to a cup of BBQ sauce for richer flavor.

Apply It!
A no-cal way to get the skin care benefits of cocoa's flavanols: Use it as a bath soak, suggests Ginger McLean, spa director for the Spa at the Hotel Hershey in Pennsylvania. To do, add 1/8 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, which also nourishes dry skin, and 1/3 cup instant fat-free dry milk to your tub.

5. Yogurt

Eat It!
Get ready to show off your pearly whites! Spooning up yogurt can help keep your grin gorgeous. "It has calcium and phosphorus that can strengthen tooth enamel and protect your teeth from cavities," says Drayer. What's more, varieties such as Greek-style yogurt are high in protein, which is an essential nutrient for the production of collagen, a fibrous substance that keeps your skin youthful looking, according to Dr. Wu. Score more daily dairy by replacing regular sour cream with fat-free plain yogurt in recipes for salad dressings.

Related story: Is your yogurt too sugary? See how to choose a healthy one.

Apply it!
Yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy that's great for sloughing away dead skin cells and unclogging pores, says Dr. Wu. She suggests using full-fat plain yogurt as a mask: Apply a thin layer to clean skin and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing. You can also whip it into a protein-rich hair mask, says Rhys. Whisk together 1/2 cup full-fat yogurt, 3 tablespoons honey, and 1 egg yolk. Apply to hair, put on a shower cap, and wait 15 minutes before rinsing and washing as usual.

6. Strawberries

Eat Them!
Strawberries pack the double punch of high levels of vitamin C and ellagic acid," says Howard Murad, MD, FAAD, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at UCLA's Geffen School of Medicine. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and acts as an antioxidant to prevent environmental damage. And a 2007 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that high intake of vitamin C was associated with a lower likelihood of wrinkles and skin dryness. Ellagic acid increases skin's ability to hold moisture and, says Dr. Wu, has been shown to help fade dark spots caused by sun exposure. A new way to work the fruit into your menu: Add a touch of balsamic vinegar to pureed strawberries and use the mixture as a sweet sauce for grilled chicken.

Apply Them!
Studies show that both ellagic acid and vitamin C in strawberries help protect skin from environmental damage, so using strawberries as part of an at-home beauty treatment could be beneficial. Try this face mask recipe from Douglas: Puree the berries in a blender and mix in chilled full-fat plain yogurt and a squirt of lemon juice (it has antiseptic properties and may help lighten dark spots). Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse.

7. Coffee

Sip It!
Coffee is a well-known pick-me-up, but a cup of joe can perk up skin too. "It has antioxidants to help protect skin from sun damage and help prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin that leads to wrinkles and sagging," according to Dr. Murad. Aim for no more than one 8-ounce cup a day, as coffee in large doses can dehydrate skin. Another way to enjoy more of the buzzy beans: Use finely ground coffee as part of a spice rub for steak or beef.

Apply It!
The caffeine that's in coffee is a topical diuretic (it pulls water out of skin), so it can help depuff eyelids and is often used as an ingredient in cellulite creams because it temporarily gives skin a smoother appearance, says Dr. Murad. Douglas recommends using cooled coffee grounds as a scrub on thighs and buttocks, where cellulite tends to appear.

"The scrubbing stimulates circulation, and the caffeine in the grounds has a temporary shrinking effect on the cellulite," she explains. A coffee rinse can also deepen and richen the hue of brown hair, says Rhys. Brew 2 cups of strong coffee and allow it to cool. In the shower, shampoo, squeeze out excess moisture, pour the cooled coffee over strands, and put on a shower cap. At the end of your shower, rinse, then condition as usual.

Love Magician

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

10 Foods for Fabulous Abs

1. Yogurt is magic for the tum. Nutritionist Rania Batayneh recommends yogurt, “The probiotic bacteria in most yogurts help keep your digestive system healthy, which translates into a lower incidence of gas, bloating, and constipation, which can keep your tummy looking flat." Ideally go for the plain-flavoured yogurts, that don’t contain added sugars.

2. Switch to whole grain. The body shows a decreased insulin response to whole grain as compared to refined carbohydrate like rice and white bread. So replace those meals of white rice and milk bread with whole grains like lentils, brown rice, and whole wheat bread for a trimmer waistline.

3. Stock up on cruciferous veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, peppers, and yellow beans. They contain folate, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, and fiber, and are rich in vitamins A, C, and K.

4. Olive Oil: Mono-unsaturated fats like those found in olive oil, work to reduce belly fat and don’t increase calorie intake.

5. Apple cider vinegar: New research indicates that 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ideally mixed with a glass of water), consumed daily over a period of 12 weeks, works to lower body weight and reduce belly fat. This is attributed to vinegar's acetic acid, which is believed to pump out proteins that break down fat.

6. Green tea contains certain chemicals called polyphenols and catechins that boost metabolism and help burn fat. Including 2-3 cups of green tea in your diet will help reduce that waistline, as well as provide a host of other health benefits.

7. Apples are one of the most popular negative calorie foods. This means that an apple burns more calories that it adds to the body, while being digested, making for a great, tasty snack that does nothing to add to body fat.

8. Eggs are a great source of protein and contain essential amino acids that the body needs to build everything from muscle fibres to brain chemicals. It is the perfect breakfast food, and ensures you feel less hungry during the day and reduces that urge to snack.

9. Almonds provide the body with minerals like magnesium, and regulate blood sugar levels. A stable blood sugar level is key to prevent cravings that can lead to overeating.

10. Salmon, tuna and mackerel, in addition to being a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, also improve metabolism and help burn fat faster by improving the body’s glucose-insulin response.

Love Magician

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reunion Dinner Dishes

Sorry 4 not update my blogpost for so long coz I were damn busy.


Butter Prawn




This is the dishes I ate during my work outing reunion dinner before Chinese/Lunar New Year.

Love Magician

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nice Song

Love Magician

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I have a hard time, a extremely weird and difficult customer visit my work place. The story is, he eating outside food at KFC somemore from Subway which is not halal. But that not the problem. The problem is our work protocol prohibited outside foods and drinks. I approached him and tell him, "Sorry sir, outside food is not allowed. Sorry for your inconvenience and I hope you understand." He then argued with me in the top of his voice in front of other customer he say, "I buy KFC food there why he can't eat Subway food that I bring?!" I tried to calm down and said to him just ignore what I have said. For few minutes when I saw him already calm down. I told my RGM to talk to him after that I don't know and I don't want to know it up to my manager to settle.

Today is the best day, not many crowd and enjoying life. But I have no time to go outing with my ex colleague as well as to spend time with my closest friend Syahrein.

Love Magician

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Celebration and festivals in the month of August

When I first start fasting it was also the month chinese people celebrate hungry ghost festival. After a few days, a day that every Singaporean come. That is National Day and soon in there not only Malay but all Muslim will celebrate Hari Raya Puasa or Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I love the time when I'm kid because I can get green packet but now is my turn to give all the kids a green packets.

Love Magician

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My first day working at KFC

Today is my first day started working at KFC. Wah liao I reach my working place a bit late. At first I was feeling scared of getting scolded by my manager but then when I had arrived it was okay and the manager give me a warm welcome to me. Then got this guy named Jin Chai teach me how to do work at the lobby. He show me how to wipe the tray and table use different type of colour cloth. He taught me clear the rubbish, send the orders to the customer and wash the trays. He quite friendly as I get along with him very well and fast too.. When I had finished work. Then get to know another guy named Aloycios and two others girl named Miki & Shu Ling who were working at the counter and the base. They going to the ABC after work and ask me to tag along. When I walk half way out, got this weird lady calling my name. Actually she is my mother. Both my parents secretly come to do a spot check on me at my workplace. So I when home with both of my parents.

Love Magician

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The day at the zoo

First I came to the zoo I saw Shu Hui, Run Bin, Mr. Yoong, and Zhide. It was a hilarious day today coz I was my last day meeting them and having fun with my ex colleague. I will be working either at Achor Point KFC or Bukit Merah Central KFC. So while waiting I enjoy life with them. Back to the story. Zhide and Shu Hui took photo of me riding a statue of a cow, it was funny I climb on it and move my arm in circle like cowboy, yee hah! Then we go to watch the sea lion show at Splash Safari. We also play a treasure hunt game that Run Bin organise. Then we go to have some lunch at Ah Meng Restaurant. I ate a roasted chicken rice and have a lemon tea drink. Then we go to see the animal show of Safari Comeback. After that we explore the whole zoo and see a lot of animal. Then we go to see the elephant show. Lastly, we go to see a white tiger. In the end we all ate at KFC, then go straight back home and rest...

Love Magician

Friday, April 8, 2011

Waiting for Job

I'm now waiting for JobClub to find me job. I wish my future job is just a walking distant away from my house. I really want to save money for transport fare. I really hope I get to work at KFC at Jurong Point near my house.

Love Magician

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Accused to be arrogant

This guy is my primary schoolmate I really can't remember him because when I was primary six, he was just primary one kid. How am I suppose to know him. He knows my full name very well whereas I don't really know him even his name. Last week I bump into him. Then he says "I was your junior at primary school". I like huh, what the hell beneath the heaven he try to talk about. At that time I was only mix around with same level and stream as me. I just says "I'm sorry I don't even know you" and walk away. When I walk half way he shouted, "How come you didn't recognized me, you arrogant guy! You are so WORLD (too much or overacting like superstar in Malay)"

Am I so arrogant to you all guys? Did you all find me arrogant?

Love Magician

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hi I'm back...

Thought that I'm going back tomorrow but there were no ticket coz the ticket had finished so I'm back today. Reach HarbourFront @ 8.30pm. Then wait for taxi for so long.... About two hours we wait for taxi. Then we go back straight home. I signing off now...

Love Magician

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Frequently Asked Job Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself?
I'm soft spoken but friendly and helpful. Eg. I like to train people the stuff that they don't know how to do.

Describe your working experience?
I had work with Salvation Army as Retail Assistant and at IMH Library as Assistant Librarian. The experience working at both workplace is to serve our client.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strength are, I'm hard working, patient, helpful and willing to learn.
My weaknesses are, sometimes I'm very moody without any reason. Slow but will work longer hours to accomplish task and trying hard to pay more attention.

How do you deal with conflict or criticism?
I will be patient try to settle the conflict as fast as possible. Always take criticism as a feedback to improve my skill & knowledge and always have a positive mindset.

What do you know about our company and why do you want to work here?
Your company always do some charity work and helping needy people. I want to work here so that I can contribute more to this company.

What are you looking for in a job?
To use all my skill and applied it to this job.

What are your salary requirements?
You can pay me that equivalent to my job skill and experience.

Do you have any questions?
When can I start work?

Love Magician

Sunday, January 9, 2011

' Clear Acne' Spell

Clear up your acne. Like most other spells, It works best over time.

Items you will need

* voice
* face soap

Casting Instructions for ' Clear Acne'

While you're washing your face, chant:
Let the object of objection become but a dream,
As I cause the seen to be unseen.

Works very well, but must be used when washing your face, and just prevents more from popping up.

Love Magician

Monday, January 3, 2011

Interview Question

* What do you know about our company?
* Why do you apply for this job?
* Why did you leave your last job?
* Why would you like to work in our company?
* Can you tell me more about yourself?
* Why do you think we should hire you?
* What could you contribute for this company?
* How would you contribute to this company?
* What are your strengths?
* What are your weaknesses?

Love Magician

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Song

A Christmas Carol

The shepherds had an angel,
The wise men had a star;
But what have I, a little child,
To guide me home from far,
Where glad stars sing together,
And singing angels are?

The Wise Men left their country
To journey morn by morn,
With gold and frankincense and myrrh,
Because the Lord was born:
God sent a star to guide them,
And sent a dream to warn.

My life is like their journey,
Their star is like God's book.
I must be like these good Wise Men,
With heav'n-ward heart and look:
But shall I give no gifts to God?
What precious gifts they took

Lord, I will give my love to Thee,
Than gold much costlier.
Sweeter to Thee than frankincense,
More prized than the choicest myrrh,
Lord, make me dearer day by day,
Day by day holier; (Day by day holier.).

Nearer and dearer day by day,
Till I my voice unite
And sing "Glory, glory"
With angels clad in white;
All "Glory, glory" given to Thee,
All "Glory, glory" given to Thee.

Through all the heav'nly height.
All "Glory, glory."
Through all the heav'nly height.
All "Glory, glory." given to Thee

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp,
And surely I'll be mine!
And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu'd the gowans fine;
But we've wandered mony a weary fit
Sin' auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidled i' the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine;
But seas between us braid hae roared
Sin' auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And there's a hand, my trusty fiere,
And gie's a hand o' thine!
And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught

For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne

Christmas Is Coming

Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny
In the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha'penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha'penny,
Then God bless you

Christmas Time Is Here

Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share

Sleigh bells in the air
Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories there

Christmas time is here
We'll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year...

Frosty The Snowman

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal.
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say,
He was made of snow but the children
Know how he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found.
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around.
O, Frosty the snowman
Was alive as he could be,
And the children say he could laugh
And play just the same as you and me.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpety thump thump,
Look at Frosty go.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpety thump thump,
Over the hills of snow.

Frosty the snowman knew
The sun was hot that day,
So he said, "Let's run and
We'll have some fun
Now before I melt away."
Down to the village,
With a broomstick in his hand,
Running here and there all
Around the square saying,
Catch me if you can.
He led them down the streets of town
Right to the traffic cop.
And he only paused a moment when
He heard him holler "Stop!"
For Frosty the snow man
Had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye saying,
"Don't you cry,
I'll be back again some day."
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpety thump thump,
Look at Frosty go.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpety thump thump,
Over the hills of snow

Here Comes Santa Claus

Here comes Santa Claus!
Here comes Santa Claus!
Right down Santa Claus Lane!
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
Are pulling on the reins.
Bells are ringing, children singing;
All is merry and bright.
Hang your stockings and say your prayers,
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.

Here comes Santa Claus!
Here comes Santa Claus!
Right down Santa Claus Lane!
He's got a bag that is filled with toys
For the boys and girls again.
Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle,
What a beautiful sight.
Jump in bed, cover up your head,
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight

Jingle Bell Rock

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell rock.

Jingle Bells

Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way;
Bells on bob-tail ring,
Making spirits bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh

A day or two ago,
I thought I'd take a ride,
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side;
The horse was lean and lank;
Misfortune seemed his lot;
He got into a drifted bank,
And we, we got upsot.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

A day or two ago,
The story I must tell
I went out on the snow
And on my back I fell;
A gent was riding by
In a one-horse open sleigh,
He laughed as there
I sprawling lie,
But quickly drove away.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

Now the ground is white
Go it while you're young,
Take the girls tonight
And sing this sleighing song;
Just get a bob-tailed bay
Two-forty as his speed
Hitch him to an open sleigh
And crack! you'll take the lead.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

Little Christmas Tree

I watch the snow flakes fall
Against my window pane
And wonder if you
Are watching snow flakes too

I take a walk downtown
To where you used to meet me
Theres joy everywhere
But all thats waiting there

Is just a little Christmas tree
Lookin sorta sad n lonely just like me
Noone seems to care
They just went away
And left it standing there
All alone on Christmas Eve

I hear the Christmas bell
The happy people singing
The songs of good cheer
That only brings me tears

I sadly close my eyes
And say a little prayer
You'll be waiting there for me
I look but all I see

Is just a little Christmas tree
Lookin sorta sad n lonely just like me
Noone seems to care
They just went away and left it standing there
All alone on Christmas eve

This is the season of love
But I'm as sad as I can be
Why did you have to leave me

Oh little Christmas tree
Lookin sorta sad n lonely just like me
Noone seems to care
They just went away
And left it standing there
All alone on Christmas Eve

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree,
O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are
Your branches!
Your boughs are green
In summer's clime
And through the snows
Of wintertime.
O Christmas Tree,
O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are
Your branches!

O Christmas Tree,
O Christmas Tree,
What happiness befalls me
When oft at
Joyous Christmas-time
Your form inspires
My song and rhyme.
O Christmas Tree,
O Christmas Tree,
What happiness befalls me

O Christmas Tree,
O Christmas Tree,
Your boughs can
Teach a lesson
That constant faith
And hope sublime
Lend strength and
Comfort through all time.
O Christmas Tree,
O Christmas Tree,
Your boughs can
Teach a lesson

Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer

You know Dasher and Dancer
And Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid
And Donner and Blitzen.
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Play in any reindeer games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Then all the reindeer loved him
And they shouted out with glee
"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history!"

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

He's making a list,
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice.
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

O! You better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout, I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Santa Claus is coming to town.

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Good tiding we bring
To you and your kin;
Good tiding for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We want some figgy pudding
We want some figgy pudding
We want some figgy pudding
Please bring it right here!
Good tiding we bring
To you and your kin;
Good tiding for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
So bring it out here!
Good tiding we bring
To you and your kin;
Good tiding for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Good tiding we bring
To you and your kin;
Good tiding for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

Love Magician

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My favorite songs

Dhoom-Dhoom Hindi Version

Bum-Bum Indonesian Version of Dhoom-Dhoom

I like it the dangdut style so that you can shake your booty..

Dhoom-Dhoom English Version

I like the song I bet you will also like the song too when you hear it.. Nice song.

Love Magician

Friday, December 17, 2010

Popularity Spell

Casting Instructions for ' Popularity Spell'

To successfully cast the spell, imagine yourself and then say: ''For everyone that I see, all eyes are fixed on me. I want popularity, all attention goes to me.''

To successfully undo the spell, just say: ''Undo this popularity, I've had enough of what I see.''

P.S. The spell's effects happen instantly.

Love Magician

Monday, December 6, 2010

Muslim/Islamic New Year

Wow tomorrow will be 1 Muharam 1432 Hijrah. Hijrah is a calendar in Islam. Hijrah means explore in malay or arabic. It was a history when Prophet Muhammad run from Mecca to Madinah. When last time arabic people wasn't have religion and against Islam. Muhammad built Islam in Madinah. After he know that Mecca was calm he came back to Mecca bring Islam religion to people at Mecca. At first, even some of his uncle against Muhammad but in the end they followed Muhammad and become a Muslim. It's alot but I only know this much of the story. So for Malay/Muslim happy Maal Hijrah (new year) to you all out there. P.S. We now follow english/christian calendar and now 2010 year when Jesus was born. That is what I know from the story.

Love Magician

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to Make Fried Rice

Would you like to make a nice, steaming, pan full of fried rice? Fried rice is very easy to make, also delicious. It can be prepared in many ways, this is just one of them. It takes 20 minutes to prepare and it goes with lots of things! Read on to learn how to make this excellent dish!


* White Rice that's previously been cooked
* Carrots
* Yellow Onion
* Garlic
* 3 Eggs
* Bean Sprouts
* Black Pepper
* Salt
* Fresh Ginger
* Soy Sauce
* Green Onion
* Sesame Oil
* Shrimp,Chicken,and/or tofu(optional)


1. 4 cups previously cooked rice, at least 1 day old or it won't be good
2. Wash the vegetables. Then, dice the carrots and onions into small pieces. Set them aside for the next step.
3. Add oil and heat up the pan to 100 degrees.
4. Toss the vegetables into the pan for about 3 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of salt into the pan.
5. Boil the chicken or shrimp with the rest of the ingredients (optional).
6. Put a bit more oil into the frying pan.
7. Add an egg and scramble with the other ingredients
8. Toss the rice in carefully. Add approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy sauce while frying.
9. Put fried rice on a dish and it's ready to serve!

Happy cooking. Enjoy your meal.

Love Magician

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Way To Cure Cough The Faster Way.

Is was very simple and easy. Cough? Drink Baygon... Your cough cured, your life gone.. Hahaha..

Love Magician

Friday, October 29, 2010

Face Mask

I just got a new beauty tip but I dunno it will work or not. You take olive oil, honey and egg white mix together then put on your face. Leave it for 10-15 mins then rinse with warm water.

Love Magician

Monday, October 18, 2010


Every Friday I was attending dance class that has been organize by epip. I was also been selected to be performing for the epip day on Sat, 4 Dec 2010. But I had attend some job preparation class (vocational/career exploration) and find some new job at Value Store at Yew Tee. Yesterday I went to view the place. My friend also say that place only need full timer, work 12 hours and six days. As I looking for part-time job so that I can still continue working at the library until I was stable with outside job than I work for full time. Another things is if I go for the new job I can't dance for the epip day. As it was my passion to dance in front of audience. I hope I can find some solution fast. So that my thought not going haywire.

Sorry for you all that you can't leave a comments. I will try to change the setting but for the meanwhile please leave a comment on my chatbox.

Love Magician

Monday, October 4, 2010


Smells affect our mood... and behaviour! Peppermint has been found to increase activity in the brain area that wakes us up in the morning! Make-up Remover : a great way to take off make-up is with olive oil! Just dab a little on a tissue and swipe across your face! Natural face mask for oily skin! Ingredients : Egg white, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Whisk the egg with a fork, and add the lemon juice. Apply half the mixture to clean skin. Lie back and relax for five minutes, or until it dries. Lost your voice? Eat an anchovy and have some honey in the morning. You will be fine after that!

Love Magician

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hospital Visit

Wah liao I reached home at 10pm sia... Today after work we were going to visit Jim who had been hopitalize at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Valerie, ZhiDe and I had a fun ride as Noel give us a lift for his car. I think we arrived there at nearly 7pm. Dunno not sure about the timing. We were happy to see Jim there. But it seem like Jim had become very thin.. Maybe tomorrow he will go for his operation. I wish him all the best and wish the operation will success.

Love Magician

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Idol

Aliff Aziz sister

I love this song

Love Magician

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hari Raya

Today is a very special day I celebrate hari raya. All my relative come to my house it is like we have a family gathering. But so sad I didn't get a green packet. Overall it was a fun and enjoying experience.

Love Magician

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fasting Month

Today is my first day of fasting. It okay because I'm used to fast before. But just now I break my fast in the MRT. I really feel awkward coz all peple looking at me when I eating in the MRT. I just said to myself it just a date why people looking at me like there a major mistakes or wrong doing I made. OMG tomorrow I will break my fast outside agin. Idk where I break my fast tomorrow either in the bus or in the MRT.

Love Magician

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Singapore our kingdom that are strong and free,
We live in freedom and happily;
I love this country,
Just for you and me...

Where merlions roars,
To scare the wildboar.
Happy to be me,
One and only country for me.

Love Magician

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Ocean Blue

In the ocean blue,
I put my hope on the blue sky;
You know that I love you,
But you leave me and says goodbye.

Time flew very fast,
I remember when we meet in the bus.

Love is wonderful,
Love is beautiful;
Love is peaceful,
But you are silly to make me a fool.

The trust is broken,
You make me like a chicken.

You look like a duck,
While I have a good luck.

When you come to say hi, hi,
I will only say bye, bye.

Love Magician

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh wat a day

Oh what the day today... I board the single deck bus. Hurh very annoying. I like to take a double decker bus. I dunno why.. I feel when I taking the double decker and sit on top, I feel that I have a high status standard. Going home time wah liao taking the train it was packed like a sardine in the can. The smell also haiyo feel like wanna faint.. Like a fish looking for oxygen. But at last I reach home safely and peacefully...

Love Magician

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Fairy Witch Teacher (Deborah Gray) Spellz

How to Cast a Magic Spell

Before you begin any spell, make sure you take time to meditate on positive thoughts and loving energy, check your ego and pride at the door by saying three times,

Awaken the Magick!

To help you awaken your inner magick you can cast this easy spell.

Start by gathering together the following items:

  • an empty notebook (you will call this your Magickal Diary)
  • and a blue pen

Then, on the day or evening of the moon (Monday) take a bath or shower first to help cleanse and purify your aura and after you get dressed in some clean comfortable clothes, find a quiet place in your home where you can be undisturbed for at least half an hour and place the notebook and pen onto a table or a flat surface and sit down nearby.

Close your eyes for a few moments while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and see a white light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness.

Next, open your eyes and then open the first page of the notebook and with your pen draw the shape of a square or rectangle on the page and look into the square while you imagine that this is a doorway and it is opening up and you are stepping through the door.

The door to the magic within you is always open, if you are open to yourself and the magic of the world around you...

Let yourself relax and feel happy and uplifted as you imagine that your mind is stepping through that doorway into a sunny garden that is full of your favorite plants and flowers, (you may even see some fairies and unicorns there too) and let yourself stay in that enchanted place and have fun imagining for a while as you say these words,

    "To the left and right of me, Above and below me, I awaken the spirit of nature and magick within me."

When you feel you are ready, let your mind come back through the door and close the notebook and say

    "I am a wonderful child of the Universe, and so will it be."

When you finished your spell, you can write the words, My Magickal Diary, or whatever words you like on the front cover and keep this book as your enchanted workbook for spells and wishes.

Blowing in the

Lovely breezes and windy days can be used to connect with the magical element of Air and this magick charm is one that anyone can easily do for themselves and their friends. On a breezy day, find a piece of blue material or ribbon and tie one end to a fence, a tree branch or a clothesline. Then, as you watch the ribbon fly and wave in the wind, repeat these words out loud,

    "Blow laughing winds from North and South, from fairy lands and East to West, I'll be happy as I say send me magic every day,"

You can leave the ribbon there for as long as you like and add any others to it for a magickal message to family and friends.

Sweet Dreams

To help you sleep peacefully and have pleasant dreams, create a tranquil and calming environment for your bedroom. The windows should have either curtains or walls that are light coloured or pastel tones and make sure the bed head is well away from the door. Cleanse the atmosphere of your room by holding a sprig of lavender and walking through the room with a peaceful mind and heart. At bedtime turn off everything in the room that could be distracting or disturbing, like television and loud music or radios. Put a lavender sachet under your pillow and before go to sleep say to yourself,

    "Feather light on starry night, cosy warm and tired, pleasant dreams and sweetest thoughts as little angels smile."

Love Magician

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Miss you all fans out there

Hey hey hey, helo there so long I didn't went for blogging. I seem busy all this while. Ok lah maybe you guys out there been waiting for my next spells from me rite? Ok anything for my fans out there.

Dear My Magick Diary,

This is a magic spell which I have learnt. It was easy and fun just try it..

The following ingredients are needed
to cast to have the hair of your desire a strong mind
shampoo or oil ( or whatever u apply to your hair daily)

to have the hair of your desire

To have the hair or type of hair you desire

apply ur ingredient( shampoo or whatever)on your hair daily when doing this visualize in your mind the type of hair u wanted u need strong mind and determination in u that u can do this this won't work until u have the qualities i said and if it dosen't work it means your mind power is very weak so keep trying u will find the results slowly

Love Magician

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Vacation n Birthday

Dear My Magick Diary,

Well hello, dah lama dah tk gi blogging btw esk I dah nk gi holiday kebetulanlah I ada leave kan so kita balik kampung ar... I will be back on my birthday yay.... On 28 dec. I wish I dapat celebrate kt both Tanjung Balai n Singapore. I really miss my relative there. Kalau tk pasal ada leave terpaksalah I kena tunggu sampai 2 tahun fuyoo lama tu.... Dari tahun kambing membawak ke tahun gajah terbang.. Hehehe.. Well hari ni kt keje I dapat setengah hari berbaloi tu..

Love Magician

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day at Sentosa wif my cuzzin from Australia

Dear My Magick Diary,

Today I had an exciting day at the Sentosa. Or we call it Pulau Belakang Mati. I was there wif my aunt Sapiah (Cik Yok), my cuzzin from Melborne, Australia Faza n her fren Suad a girl from Somalia, Africa but she's staying in Melborne, Australia too. We met each others at the starbuck cafe at the VivoCity. We then went to Sentosa by bus.

When we all arrived at the Sentosa, we had a fun ride when we about to go to the Pahlahwan Beach. We also planning to go to Pink Dolphin Lagoon to watch the dolphin show but then we couldn't make it. Then I ate the Dodol Garut which Cik Yok brought from home n bought from Johore, Malaysia while Faza n Suad were taking a luge n skyride.. After that, we gonna go to Butterfly Park/Insects Kingdom but we couldn't make it also... Then we met Faza guy fren, Saiful at the HarbourFront Centre (World Trade Centre) at Subway. From there we going to the famous hawker centre there. At there I was eating the Roti John n drinking lime juice. Suad try it n said that, " It nice like a lemonade but a bit nicer." Then we're going to Orchard Road.

Firstly we all alight a Dhoby Ghaut Interchange yhen we tranfer from NEL to NS n heading toward Orchard Rd. When we arrived there. We take fun photo at the Chistmas tree n then both Faza n Suad taking pictures at the piramid of Coca Cola (Coke). After that, we when to Heeren shopping mall, they when there for shopping while I'm going for window shopping... Then we take bus again to City Hall.

We arrived there in a jiffy, i thought we're going to Raffles City but no.. We were walking thru Marina Square to the Esplanade Theatre. Then we go to see the Merlion. Then Saiful said, " At the Sentosa u all had seen is papa merlion while here is the mama n baby Merlion. From there we heading home while walking by the Singapore River. Both Faza n Suad were taking pictures of the bridge n the statues there. Then we really heading home n going to the Raffles Place MRT station. Then the Saiful start coming down the stairs by sliding down the rail while people used to hold it half way then followed by Faza n lastly Suad while I walk down. Then we all when down by walking down the stairs together. From there, we're spilt up I'm going to Boon Lay, Saiful Yishun while Faza n Suad were heading to Simei. We then say bye bye to one anothers n we board our train home. I reach home at 12.30 am.

Jauhari signing off on sunday, 30 nov 2008 at 2.15 am

Love Magician

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hey hey hey

Dear My Magick Diary,

Hey hey hey... Wat sup! Wat u're doin yo? Today i feel really happy tau coz kwn2 i semua best2 tapi kesian sey I tgk Aliza dia tadi mcm stress aje kena marah dgn Maam sbb dia dari Training Branch tapi Go to Admin Branch n help Jess tadi tk bersalah sey... Pity her.. Yang bestnye my girl jealous seh bila dengar I rapat dgn Aliza.. Kui kui kui... Hari raya nak dkt wish that hari raya haji nnt kita dpt menyambutkan ia dengan meriah.... Boring sey takde kerja nk buat that's why I gi blogging ni... Tapi best lah pulakkan bleh main game kt business centre ni.. But I still sad pasal I tak dapat beli baju Aliff Aziz.. Tapi hidup mesti di teruskn.. So I akan tetap sokong Aliff walaupun I dah kena banned dari AAO. Kata org hidup ni bknnye lama, lu cuuu sekali. So kita enjoyyy....!!!!!!! I wish one day I could be like Aliff n Aisyah Aziz.. I juz wanna be a singer. Bukan singa darat tau tapi singa laut... So sorry hari ni tkde beauty tips 4 u all coz I really, really busy.. Nak main game. Klah go to go now. Cau ci bye....

Love Magician

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Life...

Dear My Magick Diary,

Hi semua, it's long dah lama I tk updated my blog or gi blogging now I seem so busy at this moment.. Yeh2 I dah posted out dari Tekong to Jurong Camp 2 best keje kt sini.. Tapi yang tk bestnye I kena banned dari Aliff Angels Online (AAO) . Huhuhu... Sedih sey dahlah kelmarin call Aliff Aziz I kena marah, saudara I dia AAO semuanya dah pulaukan I. Apa boleh buat, dah nasib... Bestnye my birthday is around the corner.. I wish I dapat celebrate nanti, dengar2 Aliff dah stead dgn budak chai chee bestnye.. I tumpang gembira dengan dia. Cuma yg I harap satu hari nanti I will reconcile n reunited back with the aliffangels n all of my friends... That's all for now. Btw today beauty tip is very simple..

Does he love me?

Hi girls!
Are you wondering if the really loves you and cares for you? Just follow these simple suggestions…

  • Whenever a guy keeps a track on your habits, remembers whatever you do and say simply indicates his love for you.
  • When a guy wants to spend more time with you, dates out with you at places of your choice and share your favourite pastimes then he is madly in love with you.
  • If he gives more importance to his friends even if you are sick or in need of him shows his lack of interest in you.
  • If he doesn't want to spend time with you or don't ever want to go out with you in public and never introduces you to his friends mean he does not love you.
  • When he calls you or message you just to chitchat with you means he deeply loves you and was finding any reason to talk to you.
  • If he is really concerned about you and loves you then he would always take out time from his busy days.
  • When he keeps looking you when you are around and suddenly takes off his eyes when you look at him shows he's in love with you.
  • When he praises about you to his friends means he truly loves you.
  • His every action will make you believe he loves you.
  • If he is trying to be friendly with you and tries to make an effort to know more about you shows signs of love for you.
  • You can make out from a person's eyes. The person in love with you has special shine in his eyes when he's talking to you.

Eat for Wellness!

Hi, girls!

What would you do for skin that's soft and fresh? All the expensive skin care products in the world won't achieve healthy skin without help from your diet!

Beautiful Skin! Fish contains oils that will help nourish your skin: it’ s a great source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) like omega-3 and omega-6, which reduce inflammation in the body (acne? No more!). Try with salmon, mackerel and tuna! Ground flaxseeds too are an excellent source of omega-three fatty acids, which promote good skin health. Add flaxseed to your breakfast cereal for a healthy start to your day! Vitamin A is essential too: make plenty of dark orange (carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash) and dark green (broccoli, spinach, kale) vegetables -- they are high in vitamin A. Vitamin E helps promote great skin: include nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds -- which are high in vitamin E – in your diet as snacks.

Healthy Hair: include lots of green leafy vegetables and sweet juicy fruits. Dairy products such as milk and fresh yogurt will also help. Fresh coconut is also considered excellent "hair food" - sprinkle grated coconut over salads, diced fresh fruit, or rice.
Spice Girl: cooking with certain spices adds flavor to your food and provides nourishment for your hair. Cumin, turmeric and black pepper are some "hair-friendly" spices. Add a healthy pinch of each to single-portion soups and stews as they are cooking.

Lovely Nails with grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Drink tea made from alfalfa, burdock root, dandelion, and yellow dock. Eat food rich in biotin, such as brown rice and soybeans. Drink fresh carrot juice as it is rich in calcium!

No Pimples with Wheat Germ: to get rid of pimples efficiently include two or three tablespoons of wheat germ in your diet. You can add this to your cereal, yogurt and cheese!

So, what are you waiting for? Start nourishing your beauty!

Stop biting your nails !

Hi girls!!
You know, well-groomed hands tell the world you take care of yourself, they are the expression of femininity and youthfulness. How to have healthy and beautiful hands? It's not that difficult!

Here are some tips to keep your hands looking great!

1. Decide that you are going to stop. Pick a day and say that's it. No more nibbling. Now here are a few little ways to help.

2. There are some bitter tasting liquids that can painted onto the nails. I don't know anyone who actually liked the taste, so this is going to slow you down and give your nails a little time to start growing.

3. The minute you wash your hands, re-apply the liquid mentioned above. This will also focus attention on your hands and the nails which should be visible by now.

4. Keep an emery board in every room and one in your backpack or purse. The minute you notice a snag, use the emery board and not your teeth.

5. Buy a few bottles of pretty polish and some hand cream. You are going to keep your nails polished and your hands soft. In a weeks time, you are going to notice a difference.

6. Once a biter, always a biter. I have stopped, but it only takes a snag for me to revert back to old habits. I have to follow these tips too.

7. You might have been looking for a magical way to stop biting your nails, but I'm afraid that there is no such thing. You simply have to put your mind to it and stop!

8. Will power is an amazing thing. If you want something badly enough, you can do it. If you want pretty nails, you are the only person who can stop it from happening.

A few other tricks:

Hangnails… No Thanks
Tonight, before you go to bed, massage your hands with your favorite hand cream. Be sure to start at the wrists and go right down to the fingertips. Not only will your hands be softer, you will be controlling the development of new hangnails.

Foods That Will Help Your Nails
Foods that are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin B and potassium are as good for your nails as they are for the rest of your body. They include soy products, bananas, celery, yogurt, eggs and seafood too.

Saving The Nails
It is really easy to pick up some bad habits. The worst are using your nails as tools. Several years ago when phones had dials, it was a really hard on your nails but everyone dialed with their nails. Luckily, punching in the numbers, as long as you use the pads of your fingers, is much easier on the nails. Start watching how you use your nails today, so that you can drop these bad habits.

Love Magician

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Magic Beauty Tips

Dear My Magick Diary,

Hi girls! Dah lama seem i tk blogging bz wif check-up N appt nasib baik all my P.A., secretary, receptionist, manager, driver n bodyguard yg aturkn semuanya.. Tklah berat sgt... Boring sey tgh NS tapi duduk kt umah N do nothing.. Btw I gain more weight ar... Mesti u all tertanya-tanya kelmarin asal my blog semua asyik pasal magic je kan? Sebab i love magic dulu i do learn magic trick tapi basic tu semua susah coz i not good in maths so i learn how to cast a magic spells...

Klah as 4 tonight my spells is 4 u gals out there yg nk tarik perhatian lelaki2 yg kt luar sana seolah2 macam u pakai susuk tapi ni bkn susuk kerana susuk dilarang agama I ajar u seri muka, pemanis, penunduk & penyanyang... Juz follow my tip, ok?

It's time for love!

Love, love, love... you surely have experienced that terrible condition when you find yourself sighing for a boy who doesn't even notice you...First of all I'll give you advice:in gaining love, charisma has a very important role. Observe your own behaviour! Be aware of your own nervousness. Try to feel it as a wall between yourself and the person you wish to attract.Worry will always work against you. Say to yourself that you are going to enjoy yourself, use humour! Sometimes you really like someone but you say nothing because you fear that if you tell him, you would be rejected…be confident and try this spell! Good luck!

You will need:

* A mirror, most any kind.
* 2 candles of any colour; pink is a good choice, as it brings friendship and romance
* yourself!

In a comfortable place put a candle on each side of the mirror. Light the candles ... turn down, or off, any artificial light. Now, sit down in front of the mirror, gaze at your reflection. Relax. Notice all your good qualities and focus on them. Then say aloud how wonderful you are! Smile at yourself! Tell yourself how wonderful you are ... state all the positive aspects of your personality, (your humour, your willingness to help others, etc)name all the beautiful traits, that make you special…and then say these words:

* I am beautiful on the outside
* I am wonderful within
* I am special unto myself,
* So let the love come in!

* Negative thoughts, they vanish
* I now toss them out
* Negative feelings, be banished,
* To let my love shine out!

Repeat this at least 5 times.And do it at least once a day -- you may reuse the candles, but do not blow them out! (It is an insult, to the air and fire elements). Use a snuffer or wet your fingers, and pinch them out. As you get more used to doing this spell, you may repeat these words, or any words that you chose (spells are great, when made personal ... maybe, in time, and with practice, you will want to change them!) I like to do this spell before I go out anywhere! Much like putting on makeup in the morning! Good luck!

Magical Powder for Magic Harmony!
Would you like to breathe some Magic Harmony in your daily life ? (Who would not?) If so, just try this simple recipy to make your home or classroom full of harmony and peace. Sprinkle this magical powder around when no one is looking. Create this powder on a Thursday evening for the strongest possible mixture. Ingredients:

- 3 drops of rose oil
- 5 drops of sandalwood oil
- 7 drops of lavender oil
- a handful of talcum powder
- a teaspoon dried and powdered chamomile flowers (if available)

Mix all the ingredients, but the talcum together in a ceramic bowl with a fork until well blended. Add the talcum powder and mix well. Visualize a warm blue light building and radiating from the powder as you mix. Do this until you are satisfied and gently pour the powder into a little paper envelope or sachet.
Now you can try it!
And don't forget to write me after you've cast the spell! I can't wait to know whether it worked!

Zits, spots, pimples... call them what you will, they are terrible enemies for our beauty. Remember that pimples can't be prevented without a routine skin care regimen.
Here you are my most precious tips to prevent or treat them. I collected them just for you !

1. Wash face 2-3 times daily.

2. Use a gentle, water-soluble cleanser and tepid water.

3. Apply a medicated cream, such as benzoyl peroxide, to potential problem areas.

4. Use non-comedogenic moisturizers and makeup.

5. Avoid overmoisturizing the skin. Use the lightest-weight moisturizer necessary.

6. Use a mud mask once a week to clean out pores.

7. Try a medicated refining mask that cleanses and corrects problem skin.

8. Wash makeup brushes and sponges frequently to minimize dirt and bacteria.

9. Athletic activities and exposure to greasy environments, such as fast-food establishments, contribute to acne.

10. Drink plenty of water to flush out impurities.

11. Keep hands and hair away from face.

And now try this honey bleamish treatment, that's really magical...

Honey is great for drawing out impurities. It also contains a large amount of potassium, giving it antibacterial properties. For serious cases, try a complete facial mask of pure honey, rather than just a spot treatment.
Soak a cotton ball in warm salt water; press on the blemish for three minutes to help dissolve the top.
Dab a bit of honey on the affected area to deep-clean the pore and draw out any bacteria. Let sit for ten to 15 minutes.
Clean the face with normal cleanser; then rinse the skin well with warm water, then cool water.
Pat the skin dry.
I hope my tips will help to prevent or treat pimples... let me know if you get good results!!

Keep your hair fit !
Hi girls !!

Of course you’ll have noticed my long, flowing hair…I love it!! But I must care for it every day to keep it beautiful and bright.

Your hair needs special attention whether you do some sports. In fact the sweat mix with the hairs’ oily substances, thus making locks flat and bodiless.
What can we do to dry and nourish our hair? First of all try to use sylicon-basedproducts, and for the first month, put restructuring compresses on your damp and perfectly washed hair.

Here you are some precious “natural” tips regarding compresses:

Banana compress. Make a purée of bananas and put it on your dry hair. Wash it after 20 minutes with a delicate shampoo.

Nettle lotions. Lotions and tratments made of the plant’s juice are largely used to do away with dandruff and to fight against hair’s weakness.

Cress natural lotion. Mix the cress’ juice and the alcohol (95°)use it once a day to massage your scalp.

One more tip: pleae take great careover your feeding! Some food represents a true natural defense for our hair. In fact carrots, rich in vitamine A, help protecting eyes and skin from solar rays. Instead spinach, chicory and dark-green vegetable are useful to defend the hair colour.

Well then, what are you waiting for? Try these special compresses, do it with your friends to have more fun and... tell me about it!

A Recipe for Clean Skin!

Hi, girls!

It's important to establish a daily routine for keeping your skin clean and toned. And scrubs are a great way to do it. It's usually enough to wash your face with a cleanser or scrub once a day, just before you go to bed. This removes any impurities that have accumulated during the day, as well as makeup you may have applied. However, over-cleansing can throw your skin off balance, causing it to produce more oil, which can lead to breakouts.
Make your own!!

Strawberry Almond Scrub
Strawberries have natural astringent properties that tighten your pores, and leave your face feeling toned and fresh.

2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground almond
1 ripe strawberry (if fresh strawberries aren't available, it's ok to use thawed, frozen berries)

Mix the almonds and soda together in a small dish.
Slice the strawberry into the bowl and mash it all together to make a smooth paste.

To Apply:
1. First splash your face with warm water (never hot).
2. Scoop the scrub onto your fingers and work it all over your face using gentle circular motions. Never press hard or tug on your skin. Avoid your eye area.
3. Rinse your face with warm water then pat it dry with a clean, soft towel.

Love Magician

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dear My Magick Diary

Dear Magick Diary,

Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit open your hands to me
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit open your hearts to me
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit open your souls to me
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit lend your power to me
(repeat as many times as necessary)

Beauty Tip!

Solution 2 make ur hair shiny, juz like aft leaving the hairdresser:

Heat half cup of O.O. (olive oil) leave it on ur hair 4 15mins, then rinse!

Rainbow Spell!

Hi girls!
This is a little present for you, a rainbow spell! This spell asks for everything in general to be good to you, all the time!!

You'll need:

7 ribbons (one in each colour of the rainbow) (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet),
7 flowers (one in each colour of the rainbow),
One cup of Aloe vera Gel,
Five drops of lavander oil,
Two tablespoons of Rose Water

Take the 7 flowers and tie each one at its base with a matching coloured ribbon.
Recite this spell:
Rainbow chase this mess away.
Keep it far from me today.
By the power with in me let happiness be.
I am happy, I am free,
No more negativity!!

Say this 3 times and close your eyes. Like many other spells, it has been found that this spell is even more effective when combined with visualization. While saying the spell, imagine a real rainbow.

Untie the ribbons and take a petal from each flower. Then, pour one cup of Aloe Vera Gel and five drops of Lavender oil into an attractive bottle. If you add two tablespoons of Rose Water it will be stronger. Mix with petals and tie the ribbons to the cap (a cork is better).

This spell especially comes in handy when you are bit sad: now that you have the bottle, you'll just have to open and smell it, without reciting the spell again!

P/S: Plz follow my tipz if u wanna succes...

Love Magician