Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Miss you all fans out there

Hey hey hey, helo there so long I didn't went for blogging. I seem busy all this while. Ok lah maybe you guys out there been waiting for my next spells from me rite? Ok anything for my fans out there.

Dear My Magick Diary,

This is a magic spell which I have learnt. It was easy and fun just try it..

The following ingredients are needed
to cast to have the hair of your desire a strong mind
shampoo or oil ( or whatever u apply to your hair daily)

to have the hair of your desire

To have the hair or type of hair you desire

apply ur ingredient( shampoo or whatever)on your hair daily when doing this visualize in your mind the type of hair u wanted u need strong mind and determination in u that u can do this this won't work until u have the qualities i said and if it dosen't work it means your mind power is very weak so keep trying u will find the results slowly

Love Magician

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