Friday, October 29, 2010

Face Mask

I just got a new beauty tip but I dunno it will work or not. You take olive oil, honey and egg white mix together then put on your face. Leave it for 10-15 mins then rinse with warm water.

Love Magician

Monday, October 18, 2010


Every Friday I was attending dance class that has been organize by epip. I was also been selected to be performing for the epip day on Sat, 4 Dec 2010. But I had attend some job preparation class (vocational/career exploration) and find some new job at Value Store at Yew Tee. Yesterday I went to view the place. My friend also say that place only need full timer, work 12 hours and six days. As I looking for part-time job so that I can still continue working at the library until I was stable with outside job than I work for full time. Another things is if I go for the new job I can't dance for the epip day. As it was my passion to dance in front of audience. I hope I can find some solution fast. So that my thought not going haywire.

Sorry for you all that you can't leave a comments. I will try to change the setting but for the meanwhile please leave a comment on my chatbox.

Love Magician

Monday, October 4, 2010


Smells affect our mood... and behaviour! Peppermint has been found to increase activity in the brain area that wakes us up in the morning! Make-up Remover : a great way to take off make-up is with olive oil! Just dab a little on a tissue and swipe across your face! Natural face mask for oily skin! Ingredients : Egg white, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Whisk the egg with a fork, and add the lemon juice. Apply half the mixture to clean skin. Lie back and relax for five minutes, or until it dries. Lost your voice? Eat an anchovy and have some honey in the morning. You will be fine after that!

Love Magician