Monday, October 18, 2010


Every Friday I was attending dance class that has been organize by epip. I was also been selected to be performing for the epip day on Sat, 4 Dec 2010. But I had attend some job preparation class (vocational/career exploration) and find some new job at Value Store at Yew Tee. Yesterday I went to view the place. My friend also say that place only need full timer, work 12 hours and six days. As I looking for part-time job so that I can still continue working at the library until I was stable with outside job than I work for full time. Another things is if I go for the new job I can't dance for the epip day. As it was my passion to dance in front of audience. I hope I can find some solution fast. So that my thought not going haywire.

Sorry for you all that you can't leave a comments. I will try to change the setting but for the meanwhile please leave a comment on my chatbox.

Love Magician


()-() said...

Seem that I am the first person to write a comment in your blog... Take things one at a time is a good idea now... that all I could say :)

Nicky Imran said...

Thanks Val for your advise.

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