Monday, December 6, 2010

Muslim/Islamic New Year

Wow tomorrow will be 1 Muharam 1432 Hijrah. Hijrah is a calendar in Islam. Hijrah means explore in malay or arabic. It was a history when Prophet Muhammad run from Mecca to Madinah. When last time arabic people wasn't have religion and against Islam. Muhammad built Islam in Madinah. After he know that Mecca was calm he came back to Mecca bring Islam religion to people at Mecca. At first, even some of his uncle against Muhammad but in the end they followed Muhammad and become a Muslim. It's alot but I only know this much of the story. So for Malay/Muslim happy Maal Hijrah (new year) to you all out there. P.S. We now follow english/christian calendar and now 2010 year when Jesus was born. That is what I know from the story.

Love Magician


RJ said...

Thx u for broadening my knowledge on religions

RJ said...

ha!..must write alot eh?..Well today reading ur blog was an eye-opener and educational.Its good to be diverse :)

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