This guy is my primary schoolmate I really can't remember him because when I was primary six, he was just primary one kid. How am I suppose to know him. He knows my full name very well whereas I don't really know him even his name. Last week I bump into him. Then he says "I was your junior at primary school". I like huh, what the hell beneath the heaven he try to talk about. At that time I was only mix around with same level and stream as me. I just says "I'm sorry I don't even know you" and walk away. When I walk half way he shouted, "How come you didn't recognized me, you arrogant guy! You are so WORLD (too much or overacting like superstar in Malay)"
Am I so arrogant to you all guys? Did you all find me arrogant?
Love Magician
who is this "friend" of yours and where did you meet him? how do you feel about it now? you're definitely not arrogant, for sure.
Maybe this "friend" of my is my junior. I a bit remember we have a interclass camp during primary school. He is one of my camp team. I met him at Bukit Panjang Plaza. At first, like shocked, embarrassed and hurt but after that I had pulled myself together.
I think some ppl mistake shyness,or being " a man of few words" as stuck up and arrogant. I get that sometimes, well everyone says hurtful words to any type of person you might be. I'm sorry bro. I would have felt hurt,angry and tearful. I do hope you feeling better right now :).
i definitely will feel hurt if im in your place too. of coz u are not arrogant.. i agree with Rajes as sometimes a man with few words might be mistaken. Sometimes not arrogant, but misunderstood, which happens to me very often in 2011.
Thanks Rajes yup its hurt me but you had make me more calm.
Thanks Zhide for understanding me, but who had been misunderstood you?
That was so long ago, how are u supposed to remember? I don't think u're arrogant either. Don't have to care about his remarks, esp since he barely knew u.
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