Friday, April 8, 2011

Waiting for Job

I'm now waiting for JobClub to find me job. I wish my future job is just a walking distant away from my house. I really want to save money for transport fare. I really hope I get to work at KFC at Jurong Point near my house.

Love Magician


Noel said...

you have all our support!!

Nicky Imran said...

Thanks Noel for your support..

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I'm sure you can fulfill this wish of yours.

Nicky Imran said...

Thanks Shu Hui...

RJ said...

you will definitely get a job outside, plus with your jovial nature, it should be easier.


Nicky Imran said...

Thanks Rajes. I wish you will also find job outside too.

Anonymous said...

Hello! All the best! If you get the KFC job, I'll go eat there.

Q-S said...

How times fly like evolution. After the dust settled, it's you who remain my friend. I'm enjoying myself working at KFC. 'Beautiful girls all over the world. I could be chasing but my time will be wasted. They got nothin' on you...'

Nicky Imran said...

Hey Run Bin you can come to Anchor Point KFC. I recently work there. But I can't give you any discount.

Nicky Imran said...

I also enjoy myself at the KFC too Syahrein. I also got a crush with one chinese girl. I hope our friendship will never end forever & ever.

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