Thursday, August 11, 2011

Celebration and festivals in the month of August

When I first start fasting it was also the month chinese people celebrate hungry ghost festival. After a few days, a day that every Singaporean come. That is National Day and soon in there not only Malay but all Muslim will celebrate Hari Raya Puasa or Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I love the time when I'm kid because I can get green packet but now is my turn to give all the kids a green packets.

Love Magician


Anonymous said...

stepping into adulthood! :)

RJ said...

I kaypo ur blog..U fasting right? also want green packet please!!


Nicky Imran said...

Yup! Soon I will be middle age man... haha

How can you get green packet, we Malay only give green packets to kids that are below 16. 16 and above will not get green packet that is our culture..

M said...

Wish you have an enjoyable Hari Raya Puasa. Y

Noel said...

selamat hari raya! enjoy! :)

My journal said...

Hope you had a good Hari Raya Puasa ;)

Pris (Asst Recep Trainee at Octave)

Anonymous said...

i tot i acted like a all grown up:)


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